6 Tips to Bring Your Plants Indoors This Fall and Winter

By now, the warm sunny days of summer are gone in most of the country. Insert a collective sad sigh. 

As we begin to adjust to the shorter days (less sunlight) and lower temperatures, we know it's time to bring any houseplants that you have outside back inside. 

Just like you wouldn’t like to be dumped in an ice cold bath, to a steaming hot tub, your plants need a little care, when transitioning from one environment to another.

Keep reading for some tips to make sure your green boos stay happy and healthy while bringing them back inside. 

Tip #1 Inspect 

Prior to bringing any plant back inside. You need to inspect them. Thoroughly. When plants are outside for long periods of time, they become more susceptible to pets as well as disease. Make sure you don’t have any stowaways inside before you bring them back. 

Check the plants stems, tops and bottoms.You want to make sure that they are disease free so as to not spread it to any other plants inside. 

Tip#2 Prune

Just like you need a trim sometimes, so do your plants.

Don’t be afraid to grab those scissors! Any damaged leaf can be pruned to help the Don’t forget to wipe down plant leaves to get debris off which can block chlorophyll from absorbing light.

Tip #3 Quarantine 

Now that we’ve inspected, wiped down, and pruned, it's time to put them in time out.  I would say keep them away from the the other plants for at least 1-2 weeks. The reason being is pets can be small so you may not see them right away. Give them a little time away from the other plants just to be sure. 

Tip #4 Check Them Again

That's right. Before we get the gang all together again, we need to inspect. Yes, again. Double check after they've been out of quarantine to make sure any diseases or pests haven’t resurfaced. 

Tip #5 Come Together

Once your plants are all cleared, inspected, and out of quarantine, you can bring them around the rest of your plants. If you do notice some dropping leaves, don’t fret too much. Your plants are just adjusting to the lower light levels of being inside. 

Tip #6 Schedule a Consultation

Let’s be better together.

Need more help? Schedule a virtual consultation. In a 30 or 60 minute consultation I will help you determine the right plants based on your light, temperature, lifestyle and budget. 
