Plants Bring People Together

It’s been said that plants bring people together.

Listennnnnnnn, I couldn’t agree more. The amount of friends I’ve made through my love of green boos is ridiculous.

These two are  people I’ve been wanting to be friends with for the last 10+ years. They are my former neighbors, Bob and Rebecca. (they’ve just recently moved) When I tell you I’ve walked past their apartment HUNDREDS of times hoping to meet them. They had a beautiful selection of plants in their window with grow lights, and various plants that adorned they’re stoop.

I’d always walk by on my way to run errands hoping I would run into them. I even contemplating knocking on the door and being like “ I like plants too, wanna be friends?” (Insert watering eye emoji)

It took NYC being locked down, and us taking an evening walk to break up the boredom to finally see them sitting on their steps.


Rebecca: “Yes! Where do you live”

Me: Gives address

Rebecca: “Your’re the house with all those plants on the side porch and that huge monstera??!”

Me: “Yes!!!”

We proceed to geek out over the next half hour about various species of plants, and lighting conditions. We talked about exchanging cuttings, and I learned that they didn’t have as much light as I do in my place. We exchange numbers and plan on keeping in touch.

Fast forward, to the following summer and I accept a new job that takes me away from home about half the month. I don’t place my usual plants on the porch because I’m not home as much, and quite frankly there too big to lift.

I walk past their house on the way to the bakery to go stuff my face with yet another scone. I see a “For Sale” sign in front of their house.

The next day I see them on an evening walk, and they call out to me. They tell me they’re moving not to far away so we’ll still hang out.

I’m offered a large ZZ plant. I’m like sure why not. (Me thinking its just large not ginormous like it really is, stay tuned for the reveal tomorrow)

They come by drop the plant off. To celebrate their new space and more natural light, I give them one of Cora, and Zara’s babies.

They are all thriving in their new home, (people and plants) and I’m so glad plants brought us together.

Have you made lifelong friends bonding over plants? Tell me about your Botanical Bestie in the comments:

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