The ONE Plant You Need if You SWEAR That You Just Can't Keep One Alive


The statement I hear THE MOST before clients work with me is “Donna I just can’t keep any plants alive!” 

Well, friend, I’m here to tell you, you’re wrong. 

Before you clench your jaw, and fists, hear me out:

There is no such thing as a bad plant. You just have to pick the right one for your space. 

Now, there are several factors that go into picking out some new green boos for your space. Some of them being, the light conditions in your space, the temperature, your time commitment, etc.

That being said, the NUMBER one plant I recommend to people just starting out is the Snake Plant, aka Mother in law’s tongue. 

Some people consider it a basic plant. It’s not trendy, you don’t see people posing with it on Instagram, but baby lemme tell you. Ms. Snake plant is a tried and true stand-by. Don’t overlook her. 

One of her best features is that she is nearly impossible to kill. Believe me, my kids have tried. You can read about that in this Instagram Post. 

The Snake Plant can be watered once a month. No really, it's true! 

They can also survive a variety of light situations varying from low to bright indirect. Now note, I said survive. They thrive best in bright indirect light. However, if you have a low light space, the Snake Plant will survive there as well. 

So, if you’re a person that is low maintenance, and would like to add some green to your space. I highly recommend the Snake Plant to start out with.  You can shop for them Here and also bundled with our Gurlll, You got This Plant Kit w/15-minute consultation.