The Benefits of Adding Plants In Your Self Care Routine

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“Plants can be a radical form of
self-care. They’ve helped me create spaces where I can heal, and be fully present”

-Donna of The Rachet Hipster

If you’re a long-time reader, you often hear me talk about how plants are a form of self-care for me. Read this Instagram post to read why I got into plants. Plants are such wonderful roommates. They help clean the air in our space, increasing our concentration. Having house plants also has tremendous benefits for our mind, body, and soul. Think about it, our ancestors lived amidst nature. By nurturing houseplants, we are returning to our roots, and honoring our past. Let’s explore the science and human nature benefit of houseplants.


As mentioned earlier, caring for plants reminds us of our connection to nature. Tending to, and watching the life cycle of plants helps us see the big picture so to speak. Think about when you take a walk in the woods, or through a park. You often feel better, because you are out in nature. Smelling fresh clean air, and taking in the beauty around you. By mimicking the outdoors in our indoor spaces, we can achieve similar effects no matter what the season.


If you live in an urban environment, or near a busy highway, you know how annoying traffic and other sounds can be. It can make it hard to concentrate and cause stress when so much is going on outside. Plants, particularly ones with large leaves can reduce background noise, and make our space a tad bit more enjoyable.


In one scientific study, two groups were compared. One group of people were studied working with computers. The others were working, but repotting plants. Those that were working with the plants reported feeling more comfortable and soothed than those working just on the computer. Science has proven over time that working with plants lowers our cortisol levels. Simply touching the soil and getting in the dirt can make us feel good! Plant soil contains Mycobacterium vaccae a bacteria that releases serotonin thus making us feel good! Have you ever seen a kid not happy playing in the dirt? Now you know why. So put that second cup of coffee down and go get dirty!


You’re probably like “ DUH DONNA!” Stay with me though. If you were tasked to pick a room to stay in which one would you choose? A desolate indoor room, or one with lush greenery? You’d pick the latter. Why? It’s because our brains can’t argue about the beauty of nature. It’s what we find so calming, and peaceful. We were meant to be around nature.

Listen, what are you waiting for? If you are looking to add some more nature to your indoor space, browse our shop!