The Rachet Hipster

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4 Reasons Why You Need A Snake Plant In Your Bedroom

The Sansevieria, or Snake Plant as it’s commonly known, is not just popular because it's such a beautiful, and easy-to-care-for plant. While its beauty and ease are great benefits, it’s also a great air purifier, and is perfect for your bedroom! So put a kettle of tea on, your favorite lavender candle, and let's explore together the benefits of a snake plant in your bedroom Sis!

Top Rated Oxygen Producing Plant

We know that all plants produce oxygen. However, during NASA’s Clean Air Study, their conclusions found out that some of them are better at it than others. Our friend the Snake Plant is one of the highest oxygen-producing plants! Research shows that higher oxygen levels can promote deeper sleep. I don’t know about you, but I can all use a little extra ZZZs these days!

Working Around The Clock For You

While plants are great at cleaning the air, and producing oxygen, they don’t produce oxygen all day and night. Most plants only produce oxygen during the day through the process of photosynthesis. The Snake Plant is one of a handful that continues to produce oxygen at night! This makes it the perfect plant to put in your bedroom for a more restful night‘s sleep. As we learned in the tip above, higher oxygen levels can promote a night of deeper sleep.

Kick Those Harmful Pollutants To The Curb

Living in New York City, or any densely populated city, we know the air quality is often worse than in other places. I live in a building that is over 100 years old, and who knows what these walls and cracks have seen! We also learned in NASA Clean Air Study that the Snake Plant is the MVP of removing harmful toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from our indoor spaces. These pollutants can be found in carpets, and cleaning supplies.

Your New Favorite Low Maintenance Friend.

If your bedroom is on the darker side, no worries! The Snake Plant can thrive in just about any light. It does best in indirect light but can handle low light situations as well. It is also very forgiving to the neglectful waterer and requires very little upkeep. No-fuss!

Are you ready to add one of these air-purifying champs to your bedroom? Make your bedroom a peaceful and more restful space. Check out our selection in the shop!